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23 August 2024

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Test Article XXXXX

23 August 2024

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Reversing the £1billion cost of workplace conflict

18 June 2024

A research report commissioned by the Labour Relations Agency (LRA) reveals that ‘good jobs’ could help reverse the cost of workplace conflict within Northern Ireland, which burdens employers and the local economy with a staggering £1billion in costs per year.

Flexible working - the essence of a ‘good job’?

15 March 2024

“Redefining the concept of a ‘good’ job, which embraces flexibility in all its forms, is a necessity if we’re to achieve a more inclusive and productive economy.”

From ‘Banter’ to ‘Abuse’?

11 March 2024
  • New Guide aims to Eradicate Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

LRA launches Flexible Future 24 Conference

14 February 2024

Contemporary flexible working practices, and their potential to power productivity and a more inclusive labour market will be the focal point of the Labour Relations Agency’s upcoming annual conference.

Sharp rise in redundancy enquiries to the Labour Relations Agency

13 February 2024

Our Workplace Information Service have observed a notable surge in enquiries from both employees and employers regarding redundancy.

Amendment to the Working Time Regulations - Pay and Carryover of holidays

12 January 2024

The Working Time (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2023 came into force on 1st January 2024 and set out the legal obligations on carry over of holiday and what constitutes  pay for the purposes of calculating holiday pay.

Landmark Holiday Pay case concluded by UK Supreme Court

06 October 2023

The long awaited decision from the Supreme Court in the case of Chief Constable of Police Service of Northern Ireland v Agnew and others [UKSC33] was passed down on the 04/10/2023.

In essence the case was about how to properly calculate holiday pay and how far back claims can go where the amount was miscalculated.

Estimating the costs of workplace conflict in Northern Ireland

15 September 2023

Workplace conflict has a negative impact on organisational performance and the working experiences of those involved. Research commissioned by the Labour Relations Agency on workplace conflict in Northern Ireland suggests that disputes took up valuable time and eroded organisational culture.

These challenges have arguably become more acute in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic with pressure on recruitment, retention, engagement and productivity.

However, leaders and policymakers may underestimate the strategic importance of managing conflict at work. Conflict management is often unseen – taking place in the shadows and behind closed doors. Until recently, lack of visibility has been exacerbated by a lack of robust data. This analysis of the costs of workplace conflict in Northern Ireland finds that 37% of workers experience conflict each year at a cost of £851m.

The report in full can be found below, while our podcast on the topic can also be found here.

Economy Minister Announces Consultation on Domestic Abuse Safe Leave

Economy Minister Conor Murphy has launched a consultation on the introduction of a new right for victims of domestic abuse to access paid safe leave from work.

The Domestic Abuse (Safe Leave) Act (NI) 2022 was passed by the Assembly in March 2022. The Department for the Economy is required to consult and make regulations to operationalise this Act.

The Minister said: “This progressive legislation will give workers who are the victims of domestic abuse up to 10 days paid leave in each leave year to deal with issues related to domestic abuse. The purpose of this consultation is to seek views on the practicalities of how we implement this important new employment right.

“Once implemented, safe leave will provide an important workplace support to some of the most vulnerable in our society."

The Minister continued: “I want to take the views of all stakeholders, including workers, employers, trade unions and support organisations, so that we develop regulations that provide support for all users of this important new legislation. I encourage everyone with an interest in this important area to respond to the consultation and share their views.”

The consultation will be open for 12 weeks from 5 July to 27 September 2024.

The consultation is available on the Department for the Economy website.

LRA Best Dissertation Prize Winner

Erin McGuigan and Don Leeson

Erin McGuigan, from Dungiven, has won this year’s Labour Relations Agency Award for Best Dissertation in Ulster University Business School’s MSc in Human Resource Management. Erin’s award-winning dissertation delves into the contemporary workplace issue of on-boarding and integrating new and returning staff in a hybrid work setting. Pictured is Don Leeson, Chief Executive of The Labour Relations Agency, extending his congratulations to Erin on her achievement. 

Economy Minister Introduces Bill for Parental Bereavement Leave and Pay

Economy Minister Diane Dodds today introduced a Bill to the Assembly to legislate for statutory Parental Bereavement Leave and Pay in Northern Ireland.

Read more.

 Social Security Benefits Up-rating Order (Northern Ireland) 2021

The Social Security Benefits Up-rating Order (Northern Ireland) 2021 brings changes to Statutory Sick Pay, Maternity Pay, Paternity pay and Parental pay from 6 April 2021.