Health & Safety at Work

Employers have a duty to protect their employees and visitors from harm. They must do risk assessments and they must report any serious incidents to the Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland. Employees are expected to take reasonable care of their own health and safety.

Health and Safety Executive

Health and safety is an important issue in every workplace. For more detailed information and specific advice please visit

The Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland (HSENI) has responsibility for promoting and enforcing health and safety at work.

Contact HSENI at:

Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland
83 Ladas Drive

Telephone: 0800 0320 121

Drugs and Alcohol

The use of drugs and alcohol in the workplace is a health and safety issue. However, sometimes a disciplinary or grievance process will include
claims of drugs and alcohol abuse. The Labour Relations Agency can provide information, templates and flowcharts on disciplinary and grievance processes, regardless of the background details or causes. For more information see Resolving problems.

Meanwhile the HSENI can advise organisations on what to include in their drugs and alcohol policy. They can also provide information on adhering to relevant legislation. Visit

Last updated: 08 October 2021