No 94 The Statutory Shared Parental Pay (General) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015
These Regulations come into operation on 15/3/15 and set out the qualifying requirements that must be satisfied by an employee, and also by their partner, for the employee to qualify for statutory shared parental pay.
They also set out the notice and evidence requirements which must be met for employees and agency workers to qualify.
Statutory shared parental pay can be taken at any time between the birth of a child, or the placement of a child for adoption or with prospective adopters, and must be taken before the child’s first birthday or the first anniversary of the placement. Statutory shared parental pay arises from untaken statutory maternity pay or maternity allowance, or untaken statutory adoption pay. An eligible mother or adopter must curtail her entitlement to these statutory payments in order for statutory shared parental pay to arise. She or he may do this, as now, by simply returning to work. Alternatively, she or he may do it by giving a curtailment notice at a specified future date. The curtailment of maternity or adoption leave and pay is facilitated by separate regulations.